Our Lexplay Toddler upgrade will commence 10/2/25. Please note, this may impact Lexplay and Junior Jumpers in the coming months


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Grip Socks $3.50
LexPlay Toddler, for kids 5 years & under, to a maximum of 100cm. $10.50
*LexPlay weekday (crawling, toddling and walking age pre-schooler, carer and 1 Reg Coffee included per booking) $17.50
*Airtime Junior Jumper 3+ , strictly under 145cm. Includes Adventure Planet Space Escape Playground. $16.50
Airtime360 (recommended 6+ years) includes BIGAIRBAG & Hoops $16.50
Laserforce Under Construction

*Airtime Junior Jumper - A seperate space for children that prefer to jump with the junior jumpers.

*LexPlay Weekday- A two and a half hour session for crawling, walking and toddling age pre-schoolers. A complimentary regular coffee for the parent or carer (1 regular coffee per booking).

*LexPlay Todder Add-on - In store only, subject to availability.

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